Next Steps

The christian walk is one of endless next steps as we pursue a life that perfectly aligned with character God.

Prayer request

Through prayer, we tap into a source of strength and guidance that transcends our own limitations, fostering a deep sense of peace and trust that God is in complete control and His will will be done in our lives. If you are in need of prayer for any situation you are going through we would love to have our prayer team lift you up in prayer together.

11 + 11 =


After you have made a decission to make Jesus Lord of your life one of the very first steps of obedience is to make a public declaration of this through being baptized. It serves as an outward expression of the inward transformation of repentance, forgiveness, and commitment to follow Jesus and live according to His teachings. It serves as a public testimony of one’s faith, inviting others to witness and celebrate the transformative work of God in the believer’s life. 


Jesus call for us as christians to live generous lives. This not only applie to our fiances but to our time and how we serve others around us. By volunteer to serve on a team at Genesis in various capacities, we create spaces for fellowship, growth, and transformation, embodying the teachings of Jesus to love our neighbors and care for the needs of the community. In giving of ourselves, we not only strengthen the fabric of our church but also experience profound fulfillment and purpose as we play a vital role in advancing God’s kingdom here on earth. 

Family Dedication

Family dedications serve as poignant moments where families commit to raising their children in the embrace of the church community and the teachings of the faith. Through these dedications, both parents and the congregation pledge to nurture and uplift these young lives, fostering a sense of belonging and connection within our family of believers here at Genesis. 


Discipleship isn’t merely a program or a set of activities; it’s the very essence of what it means to follow Jesus. Discipleship is the process through which we become more like Christ, as we surrender our lives to His lordship and allow His Spirit to mold us into His image. It’s a lifelong journey of growth, learning, and intimacy with God, as we strive to love Him wholeheartedly and love others as ourselves. With this in mind, we have collected some resources to help you navigate through discipleship together. 

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Next Steps

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4945 US Highway 160 West Plains, Missouri 65775

